Neglecting your oral care comes with consequences for your oral health. Periodontal (gum) disease is one of those consequences. Minor symptoms of gum infection characterize the early stages of gum disease. Left unchecked, however, it can progress quickly into a more severe condition. At Barsanti Dental Group, we can detect gum disease symptoms during a routine dental exam. Your Arcata, California dentist, Dr. Trish Barsanti, can treat this condition to help restore your oral health. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment of periodontal disease can help protect the integrity of your smile.
There are two types of periodontal disease: gingivitis (early gum disease) and periodontitis. The latter can be divided into stages to help you understand the severity of your condition. Early gum disease, i.e., gingivitis, is the mildest periodontal disease. It can be characterized by slightly swollen, tender, or bleeding gums. The symptoms may be so mild that people often ignore them. If you’re not seeing your dentist regularly, you may not catch this condition until it becomes more severe. If caught early enough, improving your oral hygiene routine can often reverse gingivitis symptoms. Diligent brushing, flossing, and routine dental cleanings can completely help rid your mouth of this infection.
Once gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, it becomes incurable. However, Dr. Barsanti and our team can help you manage your symptoms to prevent premature tooth loss. The stages of periodontitis are:
At this stage, symptoms become more noticeable as the infection spreads beneath the gum line and affects the bone structure of the teeth. Symptoms include:
Early periodontitis can be treated with deep cleaning, i.e., scaling and root planing. Dr. Barsanti will use special dental tools to remove plaque and tartar from your gums and teeth below the gum line. We’ll also cleanse bacterial pockets and smooth out the surfaces of your tooth roots to prevent bacteria from gathering.
Moderate periodontitis is characterized by:
At this stage, treatment may entail deep cleaning, antibiotics to control the infection, and surgical intervention to save teeth.
Tooth loss is often the unfortunate outcome of advanced periodontitis. If your teeth haven’t fallen out independently, they may need to be extracted due to severe bone loss that can’t be recuperated. You may also require extensive treatment to reconstruct your smile and restore your oral health.
Don’t let gum disease steal your smile! To learn about periodontal disease treatment, contact Barsanti Dental Group in Arcata, CA, today. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Trish Barsanti or any dental team member, call (707) 388-3880.